Hey There!

Ojalá Books is independent, Latine-owned and fiercely making space for all of us to tell our stories.

Thanks for visiting my little internet corner where my bookish aspirations live!

I named this space Ojalá to intentionally call in the sense of hope and possibility that’s embedded into this phrase. In Spanish, Ojalá is used to begin or end a sentence with a spirit of hope that opens doors to what could be.

At their core, bookstores are places that encapsulate the meaning behind Ojalá. They are spaces that encourage folks to gather, share ideas, explore new perspectives, and create a sense of collective wonder and openness to unknown possibilities. 

Ojalá Books aims to create spaces of hope and joy through the power of inclusive and diverse storytelling.  The intentional selection of books, lit boxes, and future events amplify the urgent need to diversify our bookshelves and highlight the stories that celebrate different perspectives, ethnicities, and cultures.

Ojalá, readers will take this opportunity expand their literary palette and find the threads of commonality in each new story.